Journal Publications:
[JP03] F. Yang, et. al, “Decomposition of Complex Interconnection Networks for Massive MIMO Self-Calibration,” to be submitted.
[JP02] H. Zhu, F. Yang, Z. Zhu, and X. Luo, “Interconnection Strategies for Self-Calibration of Large Scale Antenna Arrays,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, (in the revision).
[JP01] F. Yang, P. Cai, H. Qian, and X. Luo, “Pilot Contamination in Massive MIMO Induced by Timing and Frequency Errors,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. PP, no. 99, pp. 1-1, April 2018, [early accesss] .
Publications in Conference Proceedings:
[C05] F. Yang, H. Zhu, C. Shen, L. Dai, and X. Luo, “How to Interconnect for Massive MIMO Self-Calibration?” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, April 15–20, 2018.
[C04] H. Zhu, F. Yang, Z. Zhu, and X. Luo, “Optimal Interconnection for Massive MIMO Self-Calibration,” in Proc. IEEE ICC, Kansas City, MO, USA, May 20–24, 2018.
[C03] F. Yang, X. Zhang, P. Cai, and X. Luo, “Massive MIMO Performance with Timing & Frequency Errors,” in Proc. IEEE GlobalSIP, Montreal, Canada, November, 14–16, 2017.
[C02] P. Cai, F. Yang, X. Zhang, S. Tomasin, and X. Luo, “Aligning or Not Aligning in Massive MIMO Downlink?” in Proc. IEEE GlobalSIP, Montreal, Canada, November 14–16, 2017.
[C01] X. Luo, X. Zhang, P. Cai, and F. Yang, “Pilot Decontamination via Doppler PSD Alignement,” in Proc. IEEE GlobalSIP, Washington D.C., USA, Dec. 7–9, 2016.